New shirts two

Careful, the ones here will be safe for work:

1,, (10) 1,, (9)

The Next two contain blood and violence and may not be suited for younger people.

1,, (12) 1,, (11)

Strip will be out tomorrow

not today. Or, if it is today, it will be late. because THAT is the day I am having.

Serious computer bullshit

So, my computer did a weird reboot. Then I was looked out. So that one was turfed and I have a new one… with, no of the apps I was using on it. Annnnnnd it won’t let me redownload atm because of things. So, will try to get strip out on time next week, but we will have to wait and see.


Less likely to reblog things on here, because I want this to be a more of an original content site.

Okay, so

it is a bit late but at least it’s out today.