Le fin


See? Suzie will give her (my avatar) sass, but she is still there for her 🙂

Continuity, Again.


Hitting up on jokes from old strips, ha ha. Yup! I’m disorganized and I am trying but it ain’t easy! ha ha

Hard time


Oh, well I guess my comment about the cat in the last one makes more sense here.

. Outside of that, prepare for some self deprecation and internal banter I have all the time; presented as a dialogue between two fictional (ish?) characters.




She was the first Character I made and featured in my older content, outside of my Avatar. I think she finally shows up in strip number five?

I haven’t drawn much of her since I began slowly redesigning my avatar, so in some ways it feels like a long lost friend has returned.

I have other characters, (like Paul the Orc) I had been working on and designing since the earliest days of the strips. Part of my original concepts. My goal is to hopefully have more of them, with their own stories, in my work. But, that process is slow, so she returns as she originated in the strip, gently giving me a “hard time” over things.

I’m glad I got off my procrastinating butt to draw her though. I really did miss her ❤

Oh, the thing about the cat is a reference to the second update a ma thing. I posted it, I can guarantee, so. It’s somewhere.

Also happy Saint Patrick’s Day! Sorry if I don’t do anything special for it I’m just behind on all things.

A preview


Guess who’s coming back, babes!

It may only be for a short time, but I will make sure she returns more consistently in the future.

But Suzie has returned!

I’m pretty excited, I hope you’ll be too!

Chapter 2: Strip 7 “Dork” .



I sympathize with the both of them. Or empathize.

As convoluted as last weeks was, I couldn’t not do it. It sets up this one so well (in the way humor in my head works). And honestly, who has not been on both sides of this? Really?

Also, second last strip of this chapter! better get my shit together!


Chapter 2 s5 “People”

Just an FYI (A.K.A. The Disclaimer) : These characters are not YOU. These people are people I made. So, they may have similar names to you, or may have interacted with me in a way that I have with you, but they are their own people.  Most characters will be a blend of five different people I know and then something that is unique to them. So they are not YOU. (For people who may read the comic and know who I am and junk.)



I love Fatima’s character, I can’t wait to play with it more.

Yeah, I wanted to write a blurb for this one, and I had stuff to say, but I keep drawing blanks. I guess I was going to talk about how people may question Fatima’s behaviour.  “Why is she still talking to Suzie if she doesn’t like people? Doesn’t that make her the plot device she said she wouldn’t be?” Well, I feel like she has been trying to shut down the conversation, but Suzie has been saying things that trigger a response from her. Fatima will try and dismiss things she thinks Suzie will like, to try and shut her down before she starts, then Suzie says a thing that and it brings Fatima back in. I have been on both sides of that, been both Fatima and Suzie’s shoes (in this particular circumstance), and I guess that’s where I drew the inspiration from.

Fatima is kinda based on someone I met in school, but super super, loosely and she’s mixed with a bunch of other things that are kinda her own . If the person I based her off of saw this, she wouldn’t see herself in it, except for maybe the attitude! XD

Never mind, I found most of what I was going to say. Get ready for pseudo/bad/fictional science next time, guys!



Chapter 2 S4 “Test Takers”

Just an FYI: These characters are not YOU. These people are people I made. So, they may have similar names to you, or may have interacted with me in a way that I have with you, but they are their own people.  Most characters will be a blend of five different people I know and then something that is unique to them. So they are not YOU. (For people who may read the comic and know who I am and junk.)

To see why, read this:





My one question is, how the hell does the “Bechdel test” work for media other than film? I mean, it was designed for film, so it doesn’t work well for other media sources? Though, in a way it should because I think it’s kinda sad if you make a story some sort of long continuity in the form of words, pictures, or audio/visual, and not have two named women talk to each other about something other than men. I guess it depends on length, though, too? I have no clue.

I wanted Fatima to not be a super big feminist in any fashion, so when they develop more of a friendship later on  Suzie actually has to try to get Fatima to see where she is coming from. That and I wanted a comic that Suzie gave her name. That was kinda the inspiration for this comic. However, it was hard to get Fatima to say “I don’t like Feminism” without her being a complete ass about it. I didn’t want her to “Rush Limbaugh” it up, because I want her to seem indifferent rather than a passionate opponent of it. She ended up bashing more me and the comic instead, which works. Why does she answer with her name when she just said she didn’t care? Good question. Possibly due to her eccentric nature that we will be looking at more later. Not because of plot-related things. No. Not at all.


As slow and as pokey as I can be (he he, slowpoke), I rather am super impatient. So, I’m more used to ranting my opinions rather than spacing them out so they have room to breathe. The challenge here becomes not forcing my characters to just be my mouth pieces. I want them to learn certain things and come to conclusions through their experiences.  A struggle yet because I haven’t set those experiences up yet. Again, this makes it hard for me not to just put words in their mouths. Well, we will work on that.

It’s technically Wednesday so it’s going up now.

Also, this one was slightly weirdly edited.

Ch2 S3: “Other girl”

Comic_Ch2_S3_copy.jpg This one is not a repost! HUZZAH! Why have I been reposting?

And here’s I had to say for this weeks update:

Man, I totally missed last week for an update, didn’t I? Well, it was my birthday week and also finals. So, yeah.

You know how there’s like, always one token female or one token black guy in shows? And some times they “Change things up” with adding, low and behold, ANOTHER women and ANOTHER black guy… in an attempt to shore up diversity? I’m making fun of that while, hopefully only for the moment, being guilty of it.

Also, back to missing last week and general “not-being-on-time-ness” (tardiness, I guess) in regards to the strip, I have to say my art teacher may have had a point. She said “Ike, dude, don’t do cartoons. You have to draw the same thing over and over (which requires an eye for details) and have to meet very tight schedules and the such. Cartooning is not the optimal choice for you.”

Okay, I may have paraphrased. But, so far:

Art teacher: 1
Ike: 0

And then here is the Sketch.



AFTER SECTION/CHAPTER ART STUFFS: a-NOTHER pic of suzie? Really? (SUZIE’S SELFIES, Marker addition (incomplete))

It was fun, though marker is pretty unforgiving.

Original post text continues from the last one.
It reads:
Professional quality? Naaaaaah. But fun though.


Wanna know when it was originally posted?

The  ADVERTISEMENT for these next sketches are not as bad because they are only for one character and I promise they aren’t as cheasyandpleasejusttakealook:

I may swear in the ad. So, just fyi.

PICASSO: of the broken circle 

(also known as Picasso, not the artist). 

“The fourth rendition of “Picasso the monster.”

New Scanner, so I decided I would post this, because I love the shit out of it. To me this is the closest thing to what he would look like in a professional comic (yet).

To see other sketches/pictures of him, check out:

Picasso, Another one of him, The monster in colour,

To find out who he is, or  what inspired him… You know where to click.

The plan is to make him a character in the comic. ”